Living Life Looking UP

Drone Operating Excellence

March 1, 2018 by

We are operating a new service, creating 360° view virtual tours. And we have added aerial video as an add-on to the tours, either as a lead-in to the tour or simply as a rich media link out.

But that has given us the opportunity and necessity to practice drone flight operations. Although automated flight modes help get great video footage, a drone user should be able to handle safe flight operations without resorting to auto-pilot “intelligent flight modes”. How can you get good? Practice.

Try all of the following (all except the last are from without using any auto-pilot “intelligent flight modes”:

  • Fly a box: Keeping the camera facing forward, fly a square or a box
  • Fly a 180: Fly away from you, stop and yaw 180°, then fly back. Duck!
  • Box with yaw: Fly a box again, but this time stop at each corner and yaw to face the camera in the direction of the next side of the box.
  • Fly a Circle: Right stick forward and left stick to yaw
  • Fly a figure 8: Fly a circle, then at the end of the circle just switch the yaw to the opposite direction
  • Orbit: Fly a circle, but use opposite yaw to keep the camera pointing at the center of the circle. If you can do this, then you are a fairly good pilot.

Lastly, and the most difficult – The Pirouette:

  • Fly in a straight line away from you, but have the drone yaw 360° as it continues flying away from you in a straight line. Good luck. It is not easy. And remember, no cheating! Don’t use any intelligent flight modes.

I would love to see a video of you flying the pirouette – even if you are struggling with it.

Post a video and share the link here.

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